Saturday, August 4, 2007

Indefinite ceasefire pushes the Indo-Naga peace process into a higher gear?

A Naga International Support Center, NISC,
A human rights organization

NISC Press Statement, Amsterdam, August 4 2007

Indefinite ceasefire pushes the Indo-Naga peace process into a higher gear?

With the haggling over the cease fire extensions formally over The Naga International Support Center hails the Government of India and the Naga representatives for the hallmark decision of making the peace talks indefinite in structure and congratulates both warring parties with the wisdom they displayed.

That this is the beginning of gradually defusing this long term conflict may be clear for in the past decade of peace talks based on this ceasefire impartial observers cannot but determine that nothing much has been accomplished. What is the essence of this conflict lasting practically 60 years already?

The Nagas when the British decolonized their Indian Empire implicitly handed the Naga areas over to the emerging Union of India; this despite the fact that the Nagas repeatedly stated to both Great Britain first and India later that they wanted to be left alone so they could determine their own future, an international accomplished right. India, headed by the first Prime Minister J. Nehru for reasons of his own could not agree with the Naga point of view and unleashed a war of occupation upon them. This war has lasted till today, cost approximately 250.000 people their life (Indians and Nagas though no reliable figures have ever been published) and only because of the ceasefire the torture, the burning of villages, the rape of women and the executing of people, has been suspended. So, to the people of Nagaland the cease fire is important for they live in relative peace. But is it what they fought for and the question now is: it is what they deserve; do the Nagas deserve to live under occupation, an occupation which has lasted for some 55 years?

To set the example for an amicable solution to this astoundingly long conflict The Naga International Support Center invites the Government of India to launch fresh ideas, ideas based on human rights and asks to consider:
- To abolish the Armed Forces Special Powers Acts and other demeaning laws
- To begin the withdrawal of Armed Forces so the military grip on Nagaland is lessened and the Nagas feel free to talk about a mutual future
- To assist the Nagas in rebuilding their by this war devastated lands

More information? Visit our website or get in touch nisc@nagalim.

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