Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tips For Everlasting Love Relationship

Tips For Everlasting Love Relationship
- R.B.Thohe Pou

You admire some one – some one admires you; it is the universal truth on earth. It is easy to fall in love with some one but will it be easy to love him/her to your last breath? Many people happily in love but also end up with broken heart. When you want to possess something – you work hard whole-heartedly to posses it. But when you posses it – soon you seem don’t have it; it is human nature – because human wants are unlimited; be it in love or any other materials things. In order to keep everlasting love relationship or content with what you have got, you need to learn some tips. It wouldn’t be easy or lucky enough to get our dream man or woman in our lives. Even if we get our dream man or woman – our projection and wants and everything changes in time. You admire or like some one because you see something appealing or interesting on him or her. When you are interested on somebody – you see only the positive aspects of that person. Your positive projection continues till you are in love. However when you are in love – the real problem commence, which is the beginning of testing your genuine love. Love is not like something that comes to exist and live forever without smothering. Therefore we need to know some basic attributes that will keep the love relationship alive to your last breath. Here are some of the basic attributes to keep your love relationship alive –
1. Commitment
There is nothing greater than committing to have an everlasting love relationship. You may ask, “I am in love and why do I need commitment in my genuine love?” Yes, you admire and love him/her but you need commitment in your genuine love due to the following reasons –
i) Human unlimited wants: Your wants are unlimited be it in love or in any other material things. Today you are in love deeply and you think that s/he is the best but tomorrow you see or meet another man or woman. Temptation is stronger when you see or meet a person who seems to be better. However not one is perfect and good nor imperfect and bad. Even if you found another person – s/he will be similar in many aspects. So, always think or assume that your lover is the best and perfect and commit your love on him or her only. ii). Seeing Weakness and problems: As you live closely with her or him – you’ll find the negative aspects of the person you are living with. But you have your own weaknesses and problems. So try to understand your own weaknesses and see the positive side of your lover. All the weaknesses and problems like rigidity, nagging, not understanding, lying, jealousy etc can easily break your true love. But keeping your commitment in your love will remove all the weaknesses and problems that deteriorate your love.
2) Understanding
If you cannot understand others – you cannot adjust and live together. When you try to understand another person, you can adjust, mingle and live together happily. Understanding and adjustment come from your heart. A narrow-minded person cannot adjust, mingle and understand others. You need to understand the person you are living with.
3) Tolerance
Love is not a bed of roses. There is also ups and down even in true love due to many factors. Your long lasting love is depending on your tolerance. If you are not ready to tolerate with him/her – squabbling is going to be the game of love. You need tolerance even in your true love – otherwise there cannot be long lasting love.
4. Trusting
Trusting is another very important attributes to keep long lasting relationship. If you cannot trust him/her, you cannot love whole-heartedly. Try to trust him/her in whatever s/he does.
5. Forgive and Forget
Forgiving and forgetting all the present and past mistakes will bind more strongly in your love. Forgetting the past mistakes is equally important as forgiving the present mistakes. As we live together, we may commit mistakes but it needs to be forgiven and forgotten.
6. Respect
Everybody wants to be respected in many aspects. Show your respect to him/her and the response will adhere to your love. As you respect each other views and other aspects – your relationship will go deeper and deeper. When you respect some one, it makes that person good and special.
7. Dominating attitude
Wanting to dominate another person is only the dictatorship philosophy. In any good relationship, dominating attitude shouldn’t be there. Dominating attitude is obsolete in modern society. No one wants others to dominate him or her. If you want to dominate and control in every aspect, there are always chances to break up even a genuine love. Man should not try to dominate over woman also the woman should not dominate over man. Equal sharing power, opinion and helping each other will make stronger in any kinds of love relationship.
8. Showing love
Actually you love him/her. But sometime the other person cannot feel or understand your love. Try to show your genuine love with a gift or anything that will prove your true love. A loving person is always welcome by everybody. Always be a loving person then you’ll always reap undying love with your lover. 9. Sharing and Deliberation
Sharing and deliberation with your lover help to improve in your love relationship. Always try to share and discuss all the matters with your lover. Problems may ignite unexpectedly if you do not share and discuss together. Sharing and discussing improve the relationship; it also shows your respect and love. 10th Jan. 2006

Expecting Recognition and Problem

Expecting Recognition and Problem
-R.B. Thohe Pou
By human nature, man wants to be recognized by others however, many people snub to appreciate and recognize the good deeds of others. We cannot and should not always seek to be recognized and appreciated by others in whatever we do. Let other recognize what you do but seek not to be recognized by other. There are many people in this world who are doing many great things for others nevertheless we fail to appreciate and recognize them.

What if other does not recognize you what you have done or contributed? There are many people who always seek to be recognized by others. The people who always seek to be recognized in whatever they have done cannot do well any work. When others do not recognize them – they start to develop negative thought and attitude. They are disappointed and sad. A sense of inferiority complex and jealousy develop in their heart. They have self-pity in their heart that they are snub by other people. I have a friend who always wants to be recognized and appreciate by others. But when other fails to recognize what he does, the always seek compliments and recognition and when other fails to recognize his works - he cease to act and gloomy.

Do you feel dismal or depress when others do not recognize your work? If you are - it needs to change your perception; if not other people may no recognize your good deeds, work harder to make better the whole system. Let it be - whether others recognize your work or not, resume doing your work and what you dream for - for you are the only person who can achieve what you dream. The people who need recognition and appreciation in whatever they do easily lose their principle, determination and discourage. The workers who work depending on others recognition cannot work sincerely. Some time other people fail to recognize others good deeds. Some time we may be right but due to poor vision or selfishness - others may not recognize what you are doing today. However when you continue to do and bring out good result - they will not only recognize you but also give you the incentives in different ways.

Some time man is very selfish. They withhold to express the appreciation but a sincere worker will never lose the zeal to success in life. Failing to recognize by others - some people start to ponder - why I am not recognizing by others when I have done better than others? It is good to question but the negative attitude cannot bring sweet fruit. Those who always want to be recognized are easily flattered by others. It is always advisable to work hard regardless of others recognition. The sincere and devoted workers toil without any expectation from others, while the insincere and not devoted workers work with great expectation to be recognized in whatever they do. So in failing to be recognized by others - they develop a negative attitude.
Do you deserve to be appreciated and recognize by others in everything what you do? Of course not! However there are some people who have the attitude to show off in whatever they do. I am not trying to say that we should not ignore others recognition. We need to be recognized by others in whatever we do. However always seeking to be recognized and based on recognition - if we do our work - we can never succeed in life. You have got good friends - who always encourage you to work harder - the friends who always discourage and pull down. So if you always seek recognition and appreciation, instead of appreciation and recognition by others - you will be landed with great disappointment.

I have got another friend who had failed many times in his student life due to some unseen reasons. However, he is always optimistic to reach his goal some day. He hardly bothers others’ observation, perception and criticism. The problem with the people who always seek recognition is easily fails in their lives. All the people who always seek appreciation and recognition also expect from others to react the same or do the same whatever they have done for others. For instance, if they give a treat or help some one, they also expect from others to get treat from others or any kinds of support according to what they have done to others.

To work regardless of others’ appreciation and recognition does not mean ignoring others’ recognition. Our works need to be recognized by others else what ever we do is worthless. Always work hard to achieve you dream and goals but avoid seeking others to be recognized your work and working based on others’ recognition. If you always seek the approval and recognition from others the result may be many times bitter.

Friday, August 17, 2007

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly": On Con fession Essay

Dr. Tuisem A. Shishak's article "A con-fession" created some kind of discourse in the local dailies [24 July 2007]. However, his personal confession is seriously noted by the "hurt" NSCN organisation. Present "A Confession" essay can bluntly draw a parallel of what the oxford dictionary defined confession as: "a formal statement admitting to a crime," and "a reluctant acknowledgement."

The Good: Indeed, confession per se is good if the content is in right perspective. Confession [strictly not in religious confession] is rather a bold step to extrude what is brewing inside. In such way a person who is confessing gets relief [sic]. In democracy, there is always space for criticism and suggestion and this as how the Naga society was nurtured. Constructive criticism is important and should take graciously rather than reacting harshly. If there is no criticism, there is no development. In such case a kind of reflection to evaluate and assess the process is required. In fact, practice of confession, criticism, ac-knowledgment, acco-mmodation is ideals of democracy. Literature about the Nagas reflects this rich tradition and value of tolerance, accommodation, principle, dignity and accountability.

The Bad: Top NSCN leaders reacting publicly to one man's comment manifest a very narrow political outlook [such a mere media counter reaction can be done by any persons if deem so]. Or is Dr. Tuisem a "Big Guy" that required high ranking NSCN officials to counter him [I don't think so]. What could be the situation if insignificant one Naga common person confesses in the same manner? One member in Kok comments: "I feel they [NSCN] could have found a better way to object to Dr. Shishak instead of going public." Now, the pertinent question is "who won, who gained." Nagas are bad trading giving all the profit to others [non-Nagas].

The comment like: "This called for a serious crime he [Dr. Tuisem A. Shishak] is committing" is unfortunate and could be labeled as immature political statement.

The Ugly: I am sure all rational Nagas would understand the "Freedom of Expression." That also comes with responsibility. A saying; "I don't agree what you said, but I'll fight it to the death your right to say it." My freedom could be your subject of object or vice versa but what is important is to respect one's opinion and introspect why there is objection.

The argument gets dirtier:
"When his [Dr. Shishak] leadership is not even accepted in his own village Shangshak." Credibility sometimes work in line of relativity…NSCN's counter to Dr. Shishak carry immense question marks…for instance," what is the life of a revolution patriot? Remember, Mao Tse-tung famous assertion- rebel group depend on civilian population for their survival. Because guerilla warfare basically derives from the masses and is supported by them, it can neither exist nor flourish if it separates itself from their sympathies and co operation. "Guerillas must be like fish and swim in the sea of the people."
U. A. Shimray

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Indefinite ceasefire pushes the Indo-Naga peace process into a higher gear?

A Naga International Support Center, NISC,
A human rights organization

NISC Press Statement, Amsterdam, August 4 2007

Indefinite ceasefire pushes the Indo-Naga peace process into a higher gear?

With the haggling over the cease fire extensions formally over The Naga International Support Center hails the Government of India and the Naga representatives for the hallmark decision of making the peace talks indefinite in structure and congratulates both warring parties with the wisdom they displayed.

That this is the beginning of gradually defusing this long term conflict may be clear for in the past decade of peace talks based on this ceasefire impartial observers cannot but determine that nothing much has been accomplished. What is the essence of this conflict lasting practically 60 years already?

The Nagas when the British decolonized their Indian Empire implicitly handed the Naga areas over to the emerging Union of India; this despite the fact that the Nagas repeatedly stated to both Great Britain first and India later that they wanted to be left alone so they could determine their own future, an international accomplished right. India, headed by the first Prime Minister J. Nehru for reasons of his own could not agree with the Naga point of view and unleashed a war of occupation upon them. This war has lasted till today, cost approximately 250.000 people their life (Indians and Nagas though no reliable figures have ever been published) and only because of the ceasefire the torture, the burning of villages, the rape of women and the executing of people, has been suspended. So, to the people of Nagaland the cease fire is important for they live in relative peace. But is it what they fought for and the question now is: it is what they deserve; do the Nagas deserve to live under occupation, an occupation which has lasted for some 55 years?

To set the example for an amicable solution to this astoundingly long conflict The Naga International Support Center invites the Government of India to launch fresh ideas, ideas based on human rights and asks to consider:
- To abolish the Armed Forces Special Powers Acts and other demeaning laws
- To begin the withdrawal of Armed Forces so the military grip on Nagaland is lessened and the Nagas feel free to talk about a mutual future
- To assist the Nagas in rebuilding their by this war devastated lands

More information? Visit our website or get in touch nisc@nagalim.

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Superficial Society Emerges Today!

The Superficial Society Emerges Today!

by R.B. Thohe Pou

Who cares if I write? Who cares whether you read or not? This is what the superficial society is. Today as we live in this 21st Century, the whole system of our society is changing swiftly. The Early Man fought together the wild animals; there was community life in all the villages. But today the modern education taught our society the different value system in our lives; the value system of individualism; who cares if you are doing something good or some one is doing some thing good for you? Who cares what other says or who listen to the leaders? Is this the modern education taught us to live a better in an individualistic way?

As the modern science and technology developed – the superficial society is gradually emerging with the modernization. When we retrospect the past centuries or even in last century; we find the whole system of our society is more systematic and people are more disciplined in many aspects. Today, are we living in the darkness and superficial system of the society? How many of us ponder the present situation and weep or pray in repentance? Today there is stiff competition and every one is becoming individualistic. But the competition between the individual is not even for their own good. Every individual has every right to live an individualistic life. But today people are becoming individualistic to destroy his or her own life and the systematic society.

Today, who makes the rules and who breaks the rules or who implement the rules? We have the people to make the rules; we have the people to break the rules. But do we have the people to implement the rules? People who make rules assume that it is not their duty to implement the rules. While who is suppose to implement the rules? If the rules are not implemented, why they make the rules? The rules are made for an individual, family, village, town, and city and for the nation. But the rule starts to break from the individual life. There are many rules made by the government for the political leaders, laymen etc. But who cares to obey the rules or who cares to implement any rule?

Who is talking to you? Are you listening? People are talking voluminously in public about corruption, cheating, raping, thieving, killing, drug addiction, smoking, drinking etc. But who cares to listen even if there is talk or gossip in public? We know that many do all sorts of mischievous things. But who listen to what we are talking about? Why the evil-doers do not listen? It is because in this superficial society, many people or leaders who talk in public also involves in one or another mischievous thing in life.We have many teachers but do we have no learners today?

Everyone seems to be a teacher or Guru of his /her own. The parent teaches their children but the children hardly learn what they teach. Anything that teaches for the good of the people seems bitter to swallow. Outside the School also we have the elders who teach us. But the learners have lost the desire to learn any good things. We are taught in different ways; the parents and elders teach the children and youngster and the elders also have their own teachers who teaches them in difficulty, success and other aspects. But today every individual is becoming a boss and stubborn.

Who will be the learners and listeners if we all become the teachers of one another?Who preaches who follows? The religious leaders preach but do we have the people to practice what they learn from the preachers? The Christian, Hindu, Muslim religion leaders etc preach in their worshipping place. But it seems none of the preacher is preaching successfully and the followers are following. In this world, which religion teaches us to kill, rape, corrupt, cheat etc? It may be easy for a preacher to blame the followers for not practicing what they have preached to the followers. The followers may also have the similar attitude by blaming that their preachers are not giving the life saving message. Whom to blame now in this superficial society? As the mindset of every individual is changing; the entire system of the society is become very superficial.Who writes who reads? Who cares who is who? It is easier to write than practicing in practical life.

Today who sincerely and truthfully write? And who bother to read and preach? Who cares what others write? Who cares who is writing what? Who cares whether they read or not? A difficult world emerge that we only want to use our own brain. The preconception and our own projection becomes the rule now. Today we have many veteran writers. But who reads and practice? Almost everyone think, “I’m the best and I don’t have to learn or accept others” For many the valuable write-up become like the gold given to the pig. Why this entire attitude of our people is changing?Who cares you? Who feels? Who are supposed to care others? Do the people feel the love and care?

Today we hardly find any genuine love and caring and people can’t feel from the heart. In the name of God or humanitarian ground they received money from within or abroad. Who bothers to check where the fund goes? People who are supposed to receive do not receive but the people who are not supposed to receive enjoy the share of others. But who cares what they are doing? And who cares what they doing for others? Who gives and who takes? Are they giving the share of the poor or rich? Who starts? Who finishes? Many things have started with good noble purpose. But who bother to acknowledge the noble works? The lonely noble cannot live eternally and we need some one to take over. But who bother to take over the unfinished task except some successful criticism.

The numbers of noble people are becoming lesser. We have many great men; we have many people who work great things for others but no one is there to support the heavy-laden carrying on by the noble men.Who does? Who criticizes? Whether it is good or bad - we have the critics; we have Judas Iscariot who is ready to sell with thirty cent all the noble works. We have a few people who do good thing for others. But have the mob of people who criticize. A constructive criticism is always appreciable but in this superficial world, we hardly find any constructive critics. Today there is no much value - whether you have done something great or small.The love to have individual freedom in this superficial society becomes main objective. It is a society now that I don’t want to learn from others and I don’t want to teach what I know.

The community life, trust and cooperation between leaders and mass are gradually losing. Today this superficial society is changing so swiftly from bad to worst. There are also some leaders who really work hard to change the whole system; they want to change this stereotype and superficial society to a dynamic and respectable society. But who cares what they say or do? Who cares if you tell them or who cares if they tell you? Today every individual need to change his or her attitude then only we can restore to our earlier systematic and respectable society.

June 17, 2007



It was Lord Nazir Ahmed who proposed a support statement in relation to the historic 1997 Indo-Naga peace process inside the British Houses of Parliament on 25 July 2007 and, after a brief commotion following a competition among the members present to second the proposal, the British Parliamentarians for National Self Determination (PNSD) unanimously adopted it. The PNSD Secretariat sent the document to the Indian government the next day through its embassy in London. Besides requesting India and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim to extend the current ceasefire and take forward the political talks, the statement appreciated the Indian and Naga leaders for resorting to dialogue to settle their decades old conflict amicably.

It is good to know that a certain Mr Vizosielhou Nagi has expressed his gratitude to the PNSD for officially recognizing the God-given right of the Naga people to self-determination.
The main purpose of the UN is to “develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace”. The principle of self-determination expresses the entitlement of each nation to its own nation state. Article 1 of the UN Charter states that “all peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”, and that every UN member “shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right”.

Israel was formed under the right to self-determination as per the UN Charter, and still rightly gives this principle in its defence against anti-Zionist criticisms that argue that Israel is not a legitimate state within the international community. The people of Kosovo are currently trying to seek sovereignty from the Serbs on the grounds of self-determination. Also, the Kashmiris, Kurds, Sikhs, etc. are presently struggling to get full sovereignty on the unshakable belief to their right to self-determination. Hence, some persons are exposing their lack of knowledge by wrongly saying that Nagas want sovereignty and not self-determination.

The Naga Support Group (UK) has received messages of appreciation for its fruitful interaction with the PNSD. Unfortunately, we are also seeing that some elements are showing their frustration over the formation of the PNSD and its support to Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagalim, etc. The fact that the PNSD has received such unfriendly reactions from India and its agents is unfortunate; for the diatribe comes despite the fact that the PNSD represents stateless nations such as Kosovo, Kurdistan, etc. Nonetheless, the PNSD will always give each of these subjugated nations a voice and common platform to take their plight to the British Parliament and far beyond.


Professor Timothy Kaping,
President, Naga Support Group (UK)
28 July 2007



One friend in Nagalim who is a messenger of just peace and advocate of harmonious relationship among the Naga people, kindly emailed me the funny article “In and Outs of PNSD” today. I was happy to know that he said the truth when he mentioned that “there are many who write under fictitious Naga names and fool the people. So many of them. Newspapers are doing a great deal of injustice by publishing them”. Indeed, I could identify the non-Naga author who has abused a misspelled-name belonging to the Sumi community. I have forwarded that article to the PNSD. What made me interested is not the despair-filled article but the shameful identity theft he committed.

The Indian intelligence agencies and their agents unethically love Naga names in their propaganda war against the Nagas in order to make it appear to the world and the Nagas themselves that the Naga Nation is a hopelessly divided house. The main theme is to destroy the spirit of self-determination that dwells in the hearts and souls of the Nagas, and make them meekly accept that their only happiness lies in the status quo under the Indian occupation. Though it will be of no value to the Indian agents who do not give a damn about morality and ethics, some will do well in knowing J Parker’s advise: “Never throw mud. You may miss your mark, but you will have dirty hands”.

Yesterday we were in Plymouth, the city from where the Pilgrim Fathers started their journey to America centuries ago. We were there to brief our English friends about the latest status of the Indo-Naga political talks and the support we Nagas are getting from certain British parliamentarians and our relationship with the PNSD. One of the gentlemen we met informed us that, not knowing his interest in the welfare of the suffering Naga people, during his visit to the Southeast Himalayan region the Indian Army proudly showed him the array of computers and other sophisticated gadgets being used by it as essential components of the psychological warfare being waged there in order to completely subjugate its peoples and nations which colonial India has successfully isolated from the attention of the world and where she can do whatever she likes with total impunity. This highly experienced and smart Naga supporter is advising the citizens of Nagalim to be very careful of the dirty games being played by India and remain extremely alert all the time.

As the strongest group which enjoys the biggest mandate of the Nagas and hence the main target of the Indian propaganda war, the National Socialist Council of Nagalim ought to be taking this media onslaught of the cunning Indian intelligence services seriously. Its Ministry of Information and Publicity (MIP) in particular should be very active all the time and even more so during this ceasefire and negotiation period. Here the MIP will do well in remembering what Charles C Colton said: “Silence is foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish”. For the sake of our beloved Naga Nation, I wish that the MIP is wise and more active. Realizing fast the gravity of the state of affairs, the Government of the People’s Republic of Nagalim should give maximum patronage to the MIP in terms of budget, brain power, and prayer support. And if I am to humbly suggest as its former member, as one of its priorities, the MIP ought to be advising the newspapers in Nagalim to kindly educate the people with Christian principle of true reporting and publishing authentic articles.

But most importantly, because of the war-zone situations prevailing in Nagalim and the hyper-active endeavours of the Indian intelligence agencies along with their collaborators and in order to maintain democratic norms of clean ex-pressions of opinions and credible debates, it is important that newspapers in Nagalim publish articles and letters only after proper attestations of names, surnames, and addresses.

Lastly, it is proposed that each Naga community makes sure that no one falsely uses a name which belongs to it.


Professor Timothy Kaping,
President, Naga Support Group (UK)
30 July 2007

In and Outs of Parliamentarians for National Self Determination (PNSD)

In and Outs of Parliamentarians for National Self Determination (PNSD)
Vikishe Sema *

In recent months we have read lot of news regarding the British Parliamentarians for National Self Determination (PNSD), which was has made media headlines in our local media. Yet we are at lost to the nature and power of this group (PNSD.) who came into being in 2006. We have not been informed by Mr. Timothy Kaping to the nature and effectiveness of PNSD. Therefore I would like to share with one and all of my finding. Background History PNSD comes under the title of "All-party groups" (APG) which are regarded as relatively informal compared with other cross-party bodies such as select committees of the House.

The membership of all-party groups mainly comprises backbench Members of the House of Commons and Lords but may also include ministers and non-parliamentarians. Groups flourish and wane according to the interests and enthusiasm of Members. Groups are classified either as subject groups (relating to a particular topic e.g. forestry) or country groups (relating to a particular country or region). Most country groups are affiliated to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association's United Kingdom Branch and/or the Inter-Parliamentary Union's British Group. The research shows that there are Parliamentary Groups whose purpose ranges from Aids to Youth Hostels. Interlinked with over 50 countries across the globe and there are 500 such groups.

On 17 December 1985 a Register was set up in accordance with a Resolution made by the British House of Commons on 17 December 1985 and its main purpose is to record which all-party groups are recognized by the House; who their officers are; and what assistance groups receive from outside Parliament. Registration is compulsory for any group that includes Members of the Commons from more than one party and has at least one officer who is from the Commons. To be recognized the group must have Chairman, vice chair and twenty party members. And must be accountable to the registrar. The recognized groups or as is commonly known as On Approved List; All-Party Parliamentary Subject Group. If the Group is on the approved list then they had benefits which were not given to the Groups which were not on the approved list.

However the Approved groups on the list have to be accountable and have to show in detail the minutes of meeting and expense accrued. This however is not so for any group which comes under the heading Not on Approved List; Subject Group, such as the PSND, who only have chairman (Lord Ahmed)and vice chair(Elfyn Llwyd), there are no other Member of Parliament in the group. Unlike the ones who are On the Approved list. This does not stop the Chairman from inviting other Member of the Parliament to their meeting, however this does not mean that those invited approve or disapprove of who or what is said at the meetings. Is the voice of these Groups heard by the Government and the British People? As no group is heard by the British people at large thus one can not say that they have the support of the British pubic par se. Nor can it be taken that the British Government approves of or consents to what is said in those meetings.

Few MPs who attend do not represent the British people or the British Government. They come in to those meeting as individual Members of the parliament. Thus such groups have "no formal responsibilities." We could say it like this that if the a Sema village council invites a Britisher to speak at its meeting, then can the Britisher say that the Sema tribe and the Naga people are on his side? Or for that matter the Naga Hoho approves and validates that person agenda? If two villagers hold a meeting with an outsider, then can it be said that the outsider has the approval of the village council? Also can the outsider say that the people of the village sides with them and agrees with them? What power or influse does PNSD have with the British Public or the British Parliament?

PNSD has no influence with the public or with the British Parliament; (PNSD) Parliament members are only two in number. Also there are Members of Parliament who supports Parliamentary groups who have interest in welfare of dogs. The British Public and the Government does not care if PNSD Chairman invited all the barking dogs in England to the meeting. As, for example, with PNSD, it did not come in to being via the command of the Parliament nor by the order of the Government, nor was Lord Ahmed was commanded or ordered by the Parliament or the Government.

As all these groups are self made that is to say that neither the Parliament nor the Government has ordered or appointed such groups but Groups flourish and wane according to the interests and enthusiasm of Members. As they do not differ much from the Lions or rotary club, for they exit for general interest of its members, who want to do some good.

Source: British High Commission, House of Commons, UK Parliament, House of Lords.
* Vikishe Sema writes for the first time to . The writer can be reached at vikishe(at)yahoo(dot)com . This article was webcasted on 30th July 2007.

UK Parliamentary Re-affirms on Indo-Naga Peace Talks


The first meeting of the Advisory Panels of 'Parliamentarians for National Self-Determination' (PNSD), held at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster on 25 July 2007, saw perhaps an unprecedented coming together, within a formal Parliamentary setting, of representatives from a number of nations offering mutual support for each other's national struggles for self determination. As well as deliberating on the strategy for PNSD in highlighting causes for peacefully implementing this means of conflict resolution, the meeting sent out a call for an extension of the Indo-Naga ceasefire so that a meaningful dialogue might lead to a peaceful solution to that conflict in accordance with Naga national rights in international law.

Lord Nazir Ahmed chaired the meeting and welcomed the delegates from the Kurdish, Naga, Sikh and Kashmir Advisory Panels which have been appointed to assist PNSD over recent months to brief the Parliamentary group on the respective causes that they cover. He reaffirmed PNSD's mission to advance national self-determination through exclusively peaceful means, in order to secure democratically legitimate outcomes and just settlements to long outstanding conflicts. He said in the age of the so-called 'war on terror' it was vital for struggling nations to maintain their noble causes despite the ongoing oppression that they face and their vilification by ruling elites; history he said was witness to the fact that the forces of freedom and justice were ultimately stronger than those of colonialism whatever its form.

PNSD's Administrative Secretary, Ranjit Srai, said it was equally important to remind policy and decision makers at the national and international level that self-determination was recognised in international law as a fundamental human right and that the UN itself has declared that without the collective right of self-determination all individual human rights were capable of being abused. The enthusiastic response of a range of nations to the formation of PNSD, together with the support it has received from UK Parliamentarians and bodies such as the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) showed the importance of the work that PNSD has undertaken since it was formed in 2006.

Professor Timothy Kaping, President of the Naga Support Group (UK), briefed PNSD on the current ceasefire and dialogue between India and the Naga nation and lamented that no visible result had emerged due to the lack of boldness and sagacity on the part of the Indian Government which continues its futile attempt to impose the Indian constitution on the Nagas. The meeting was especially concerned by the forthcoming expiry of the ceasefire and unanimously passed a Resolution urging the parties to extend the ceasefire and to pursue meaningful dialogue, without pre-conditions.

It was agreed that this should be communicated to the parties by PNSD in an effort to assist them in taking forward the peace process.Akif Wan of the Kurdistan National Congress informed the meeting of the current threat of large-scale Turkish military action against the Kurds in their homeland, despite the US opposition to the move. The recent election results in Turkey showed that the Kurds were determined to secure their civil and political rights even thought the electoral system was designed to stop the Kurds being an effective political force. He said the EU has an opportunity to influence Turkey in the context of EU accession talks so that Kurdish rights are respected and the UK was of course a player in that context.

Ghulam Mohammad Safi of Tehreek-e- Hurriyat, based in Jammu and Kashmir, spoke about the urgent need to involve the people themselves if there was to be a durable, lawful and just settlement to the Kashmir conflict. Rejecting the recent suggestions of the President Musharraf which he said were not acceptable to Kashmiris, he also condemned the human rights abuses and intransigence of India which continues to claim J&K as its own when the entire world sees it clearly as disputed territory in need of international settlement. He said the only way forward was for the implementation of the right of self-determination in accordance with international law which offers a peaceful outcome as well as the only means of delivering a democratic mandate. He recalled how the UN had already determined that a plebiscite was the key to resolving the dispute, without which the suffering and injustice was bound to continue.

Amrik Singh Sahota, OBE, President of the Council of Khalistan said the Sikh nation was committed to secure an independent sovereign state of Khalistan, in accordance with the decision taken by the Sarbat Khalsa (National Gathering) on 26 January 1986. He said the illegal suppression of Sikh political activism by the Indian security forces made a mockery of the recent elections in Punjab and called for international action to stop the arrest and detention of Sikh leaders in recent weeks. Senior Sikh leaders, who call for exclusively peaceful means to be used to secure self-determination, are being detained and charged with sedition.

The UK Government must take up these abuses with India which, until such time as it complies with all its international obligations including human rights, should not be given a berth at the UN Security Council.Mohammad Ghalib of Tehreek-e- Kashmir said PNSD has undertaken an important role and should highlight the crucial role of self-determination as widely as possible. As well as a high profile event at Westminster later this year, it was important for concerned individuals to brief their individual MPs in order to ensure policy makers were fully informed about these conflicts and aware of the progressive solutions PNSD was putting forward. He also spoke of the acute need of oppressed nations to work together in common cause to defeat those who would deny freedom loving peoples their birth right of dignity, security and independence.

Estella Shmidt of 'Peace in Kurdistan' briefed the meeting about a forthcoming PNSD publication concerning the Kurds and pointed out the need to ensure that freedom of speech and legitimate political activity, related to struggles for national liberation, was not prejudiced by current and proposed legislation in the UK. Ben Hayes of 'Statewatch' briefed the meeting about the legislative back ground and Lord Ahmed pledged to take this up as part of his response to the forthcoming debates following the next Queen's Speech setting out the legislative proposals of the Gordon Brown led Government.The meeting noted with satisfaction the impressive progress made by the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru in forming administrations in the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments and PNSD pledged to offer those parties its full support in their principled and democratic campaigns for national self-determination.

PNSD will work closely with those parties and others who share the principles and goals of this Parliamentary group and its Advisory Panels.

Ranjit Singh Srai,Administrative Secretary,'Parliamentarians for National

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nostalgia Hometown Christmas Celebration

Christmas is the time to celebrate with our dear and loved one with full of joy, peace and happiness in our heart. It is the time to reunite; it is the time of reconciliation; it is the time to exchange the gifts to our loved ones and the gift of peace and love to our unfriendly friends and neighbors to bring better relationship because Jesus is coming to bring peace and love for all the people on earth. He is the almighty God, the Counselor, the Prince of Peace. I feel nostalgia my hometown Christmas celebration; want to join the Christmas in my hometown after 14 years of no celebrating in my hometown/village.
I have never been to my village for Christmas celebration since 1992. But I can't go to my hometown for Christmas even this year too due to some inevitable circumstances. Playing the Xmas songs here reminiscence all the memories of my sweet hometown Christmas celebration. I still remember the beautiful Christmas with bonfire in the cold winter, the drying grasses and shedding tree leaves, loudspeaker playing Christmas songs, children with colorful dresses, everyone in great spirit to celebrate and welcoming baby Jesus coming to this world to bring peace and happiness for all the people.

The Christmas celebration in the village seems more enjoyable than celebrating in the city as we have lots of friends with our dear and loved ones in addition to better environment. The total population of the Christians in most of the cities in India is insignificant as a result it is difficult to celebrate widely like other Indian festival. In metropolitan city, people always wear good and new dresses so it does not make much different even if we celebrate Christmas in metropolitan city. But in the village children rarely wear any new dresses except during the Christmas time, which make lots of different from the ordinary days.
The Christmas trees and stars in every household look lots different from other ordinary time. Children are very cheerful wearing new dresses during Christmas; no grudge and jealousy in their hearts. Many people come for holiday to their hometown from different towns and cities to celebrate Christmas with their dear and loved one, which also bring better environment and boost the spirit of Christmas celebration as the meeting our dear and loved one after one or two years bring great happiness to us.

We may wear a good dresses but it is difficult to get the true spirit of Christmas celebration in the city without our dear and loved ones. Many people thought that it is not the dresses, food or the place where we celebrate Christmas. But practically the emotional thirst to meet our dear and loved ones and the environment does not meet the criteria of a beautiful in hometown. The environment in the city is also difference from the village. During the Christmas, we see the dry grass and leaves as the winter set in. But we don't see much difference in metropolitan cities as there is no visible differences in season from the trees and grasses; the whole city is covered with high-buildings.

The good news for some people may be bad news for some people but Jesus coming to this earth is the good news for all the people. I pray that who ever celebrate Christmas whether in village or metropolitan city, they may enjoy the Christmas with lots of blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ.


By- R.B. Thohe Pou,